

  1. "Exploring the impact of livestock on air quality: A deep dive into Ammonia and particulate matter in Lombardy."
    J. Lunghi, M. Malpede, and L.A. Reis
    Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 2024
  2. "Impacts of agriculture on PM10 pollution and human health in the Lombardy region in Italy."
    S. Renna, J. Lunghi, F. Granella, and 2 more authors
    Frontiers in Environmental Science, 2024


  1. In Progress
    "A Spreading Malaise: Manure Management, Air Pollution, and Hospital Admissions in Italy." - JMP
    J. Lunghi
    Presented: Econ 286 (UCSD); Brown Bag Seminar (RFF-CMCC EIEE); AERE 2024 Annual Summer Conference; EAERE 29th Annual Conference.
  2. Working Paper
    "Soil Aridification, Precipitations, and Infant Health: Evidence from Africa."
    J. Lunghi, M. Malpede, and M. Percoco
    GREEN Working Paper Nr. 23, Ongoing
    (Under review)
  3. Working Paper
    "Yet it Rains. Aridification, Agriculture and Farmers’ Adaptation in Sub-Saharan Africa."
    J. Lunghi, M. Malpede, and M. Percoco
  4. In Progress
    "Global Migration Response to Climate and Climate Change."
    G. Khanna, J. Lunghi, K. Ricke, and 1 more author
    Presented: WEAI 98th Annual Conference
  5. In Progress
    "Making America Great Again? CEO Political Ideology and Firm Procurement."
    J. Lunghi, and R. Vincenzi
  6. In Progress
    "Environmental shocks, expectations, and mobility: evidence from Thailand Vietnam Socioeconomic Panel."
    R. Hoffman, M. Kuhn, Y. Kulikova, and 1 more author